Old Anandians Association of Queensland Inc

Fill out this application form to apply.

  • General Details
  • Residency
  • Documents
  • Job Details
  • Anandian References
  • Declaration
  • Finished

General Details

Please enter your details:

Date of Birth:

Australian Residency Details

Please select your residency status:

Please enter your current residential address:

Please select your desired membership type:

When did you arrive in Queensland?


Please add the following supporting documents below:

1) Documents required for the Life Membership & General Membership
To confirm that the applicant is a past pupil of Ananda College one of the following documents is required:

  • A declaration by a financial member confirming that the applicant was a pupil of Ananda College in the manner prescribed in the declaration form (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • An acceptable document issued by Ananda College or its Principal/Deputy Principal/Vice Principal (e.g. College leaving certificate, examination certificates issed by the College, Character Certificates ussed by a College authority) (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • The life membership card of Ananda College Old Boys Association (Parent OBA). (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • A statutory declaration by the applicant (declared before a Justice of the Peace (JP), or Commissionser for Declarations) declaring that the applicant was a past pupil of Ananda College (needs to be the original)

2) Documents required for the Student Membership

  • One of the documents given in 1) above (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • The Student Card issued by the Tertiary educational institute in Queensland (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • Any other document issued by the Tertiary educational institute in Queensland acceptable to the Comittee (Photocopies/scanned copies are acceptable)
  • A statutory declaration by the applicant (declared before a Justice of the Peace (JP), or Commissionser for Declarations) declaring that the applicant was a past pupil of Ananda College (needs to be the original)

Drop files here or click to upload

Supported files [ .pdf,.doc,.xls,.docx,.xlsx,.jpg,.png,.gif,.jpeg ]
Each file must be smaller than 20 MB
Max 8 files to be uploaded at one time

Job Details

Please select your employment status:

Anandian References

Enter the details of 2 Anandian References:



I hereby declare that

  1. I was a pupil of Ananda College, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
  2. I am 17 years or over
  3. I have been residing in Queensland since DATE HERE as of the date of this application and my present residential address is ADDRESS HERE
